When we understand nature’s perfect design, we then begin to understand that it is within a woman to birth her baby. A woman has the wisdom and the innate ability to summon her body to the unknown of the universe, to travel the distance it requires for her to transform into a life that has been untouched until this moment. It is up to her and only her to choose to go there, to unite hers and her baby’s spirit and bring them both back to this earth we call home.
When we as birth workers pause and bear witness to nature unfolding before our eyes, we can see, hear, feel and smell the unification of the new mother and her baby even before crowning begins.
The woman goes to a place of wisdom before her, kneels down and allows the unknowing to sweep her off her feet and bring a light of guidance to her baby. This is the moment of true metamorphosis where a maiden becomes a mother.
The light surrounds her as she embraces her baby, and they continue their journey back to earth for birth to begin.
Allowing a woman to go on this journey herself is so vital to the bond and connection she will create with her baby. This ignites the light to the new path they are now walking down as two new beings on this earth.
Let’s think about birth the way nature has intended, sacred, transformative and natural.